2024 Unified Symposium, January 24th and 25th

Published: 1/8/2024, 8:00:00 AM

Come and chat with our Founder Daniel Howe. Daniel has over a decade working on-the-ground with wineries and vineyards solving a wide range of problems with remote monitoring and control solutions for water level and flow, automated pulse irrigation, frost and heat alerting, soil moisture and pump stations.

neatMon is showcasing its next generation remote monitoring and control solutions, but it is not just the technology. neaMon stands for old school customer relations and support. We exist to solve the problems of people and be a team that they can count on. We do this for our private label name brand manufactucturers, Ag service providers, like agronomists or irrigation companies, and growers.

You'll find us at booth A2222. If you need a pass, email mike@neatmon.com. See you at the show!